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The highest-paid teachers under the same category and who earn Sh33,994 will have a raise of Sh1,620 to earn Sh35,614.
Group C2 teachers, categorised as Senior Teacher II, Lecturer II, Special Needs Education Teacher II and Secondary Teacher II, will get a pay increment of between Sh1,666 and Sh3,677.
The lowest-paid teacher under this group earns Sh34,955 and will take home Sh36,621. The highest paid under the same group who presently earns Sh43, 694 will take home Sh45, 776.
Job group C3 will receive a raise of between Sh1,258 and Sh2,571; they include Senior Teacher I, Special Needs Education Teacher II - Secondary, Special Needs Education Teacher I - Primary, Lecturer I and Secondary Teacher I.
Teachers in job group C4 include Senior Lecturer IV, Senior Master IV, Special needs education Senior Teacher in Primary and Secondary schools, and Deputy Headteacher II and will receive a pay rise of Sh2276 and Sh1,835
Those under category C5, which includes Senior Master III, Senior Lecturer III, Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher I and Curriculum Support Officer II, will receive a pay increase of Sh139 and Sh2,498. Some of the teachers under this category will get a low increment as two levels have been merged within the same job group.
Job group D1 which includes Senior Master II, Deputy Principal III, Senior Headteacher, Senior Lecturer II, and Curriculum Support Officer I, will get an increment of between Sh785 and Sh1,693.
Deputy Principal II, Senior Master I, and Senior Lecturer I are classified in job group D2 and will get Sh1,078 and Sh1,302.
Principal and Deputy Principal 1 are classified in Grade D3 and will get a raise of between 538 and Sh1,496; while Senior Principals ranked in job group D4 will receive Sh282, and 1690 increase.
Chief Principals are in job group D5 and will get Sh4,367 and Sh1,878.
The teachers will also get the routine annual increment that the commission tops up to tutors to caution them over the rising cost of living.
But this is not all. Teachers in rural areas will also get improved house allowance. They will now get a house allowance of between Sh3,850 and Sh25,000. Previously, they got between Sh3,850 and Sh21,508.
However, teachers in Nairobi will get a house allowance of between Sh6,750 and Sh50,000.
Those in other major towns will take home Sh4,500 and Sh35,000.
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