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Retraction and apology to Mr Sharmake Mohamed Sheikh and the North Eastern Wildlife Conservancies Association (NECA).

In an article published on The Standard digital platforms on August 27, 2024, titled, 'Wajir South MCAs raise concerns over masquerading wildlife conservationists,' we inaccurately reported that community members and some leaders from Wajir South Constituency had expressed concerns over activities conducted by certain individuals and conservancies.

Following an editorial review, we have established that the article contained errors and misrepresentations of their conservation efforts and professional conduct.

The Standard regrets the errors and wishes to take this early opportunity to retract the article and apologise to the North Eastern Wildlife Conservancies Association (NECA) and its CEO Mr Sharmarke Mohamed Sheikh for any embarrassment and harm caused.

We wish to assure Mr Sharmake Sheikh and the association that there was no malice intended and we have taken appropriate action to remedy and prevent such errors from occurring in the future.

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