Koskei: Sh30b allocated for junior secondary school capitation

Head of Public Service Felix Koskei.

Head of Public Service Felix Koskei has warned head teachers in junior secondary and primary schools against misuse of Sh54 billion.

He said Sh24 billion capitation has been reserved for primary school pupils and Sh30 billion for junior secondary school students this financial year.

“We want Sh24 billion designated for primary schools and Sh30 billion for Junior Secondary Schools to be used efficiently so that head teachers can account for them,” said Koskei.

"The government wants you to use this money wisely and responsibly and you must be ready to account for it."

Addressing primary school head teachers during their annual conference in Mombasa, Koskei demanded accountability on expenditure, saying the Auditor General will be looking at the school accounts reports.

Koskei decried the lack of good morals among teachers. He advised the head teachers to inoculate discipline among children. "Teach the children to be innovative in the new digital world to help them know how to solve problems. Teach them good behavior by being good examples,” said Koskei

The Chief of Staff said the government was committed to ensuring every child gets an education and that was why more teachers are being employed by the Teachers Service Commission.

Kenya National Union of Teachers Secretary General Collins Oyuu asked the government to change the title of the junior secondary school head teachers to principals.

Oyuu, who revealed the union will soon start negotiating for new salaries and a scheme of work for the teachers, said the head teachers should be allowed to progress from the D1 grade to chief principals. 

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