Tale of the Ethiopian Eunuch and why Africa must discover self-love
God cares that we as Africans experience life in its fullness. While some work hard to manipulate us with a hypocritical appreciation, God desires that we have the full benefit of His Spirit.
By Rev Edward Buri 4 months ago
Tale of the Ethiopian Eunuch and why Africa must discover self-love
From cathedrals to streets: Why Church falls short in times of need
Kenya's church wears a deceptive smile - making you think that in it, you have a friend. Until there is a crisis. Then, you realize the church does not do streets; it only does cathedrals.
By Rev Edward Buri 5 months ago
From cathedrals to streets: Why Church falls short in times of need
Discrepancies between promises and reality robbing us our identity
Kenyans are getting dizzy-there are no patterns to things. What is predictable is contradiction, and with it, discrimination.
By Rev Edward Buri 5 months ago
Discrepancies between promises and reality robbing us our identity
Why Kenyans must reject 'money talks' and embrace 'character talks'
The journey to character has no shortcuts. You cannot corrupt your way to character. You can steal money-but you cannot steal character.
By Rev Edward Buri 5 months ago
Why Kenyans must reject 'money talks' and embrace 'character talks'
Gen Z remain steadfast in quest to chart out new course for Kenya
Young people, Kenya is proud of you. When the gunshots sound, they are drowned out by a grand applause-a standing ovation from all corners of this country.
By Rev Edward Buri 6 months ago
Gen Z  remain steadfast in quest to chart out new course for Kenya
Medics' strike litmus test of State's sincerity in revamping healthcare
Government's pride and acting mighty and immovable towards solving the current doctors strike is unnecessary, unwise and time-wasting.
By Rev Edward Buri 10 months ago
Medics' strike litmus test of State's sincerity in revamping healthcare
Kill the lies in our politics, for there is no development without morality
Deception is an asset to gain and perpetuate power. With every lie the citizens swallow, these leaders gather in their grand residences and toast to the foolishness of the people.
By Rev Edward Buri 11 months ago
Kill the lies in our politics, for there is no development without morality
Betrayal in the city: The Bishop's double-edged identity is blunted
Betrayal in the city it is. Bishop Margret Wanjiru thought she was an insider until she found herself in the cold. Neither her politician blanket not her priestly duvet could cover her.
By Rev Edward Buri 11 months ago
Betrayal in the city: The Bishop's double-edged identity is blunted
10 ways the Kenyan church is stunting its growth, influence
While the Kenyan - and African - church has grown over the years, there are still some vivid gaps that limit its rise to full influence.
By Rev Edward Buri 11 months ago
10 ways the Kenyan church is stunting its growth, influence
Contemporary Kenya lacks resolute pastors who can speak truth to power
Living in a heavily religious country means that pastors are a key part of the community. It helps, therefore, to understand pastor typologies as it guides expectations and affiliations.
By Rev Edward Buri 1 year ago
Contemporary Kenya lacks resolute pastors who can speak truth to power
Root of all evil: Money is taking man away from God, the way serpent did
Money is a major factor in our day-to-day living. It dominates conversations. In social gatherings, people are always talking about how to make money, how money was lost or how to spend it.
By Rev Edward Buri 1 year ago
Root of all evil: Money is taking man away from God, the way serpent did
Silencing the 'E' story perpetuates warped thinking that failure is bad
"E" scorers are nowhere to be heard. But the day they turn around their story and become winners, they will earn access to the microphone and the newspaper.
By Rev Edward Buri 1 year ago
Silencing the 'E' story perpetuates warped thinking that failure is bad
As long as Christmas is about Jesus, it cannot be reduced to secular hype
The church has failed in its creativity to assemble a universal symbolic experience to capture the mystery of the entry of its Lord into the world.
By Rev Edward Buri 1 year ago
As long as Christmas is about Jesus, it cannot be reduced to secular hype
The Kenya we want lies hidden in our moral sense, but do we care?
Kenya at sixty is a begging giant and a moral dwarf. We are crying about the debt burden while remaining silent about the moral crisis that led us here and keeps us here.
By Rev Edward Buri 1 year ago
The Kenya we want lies hidden in our moral sense, but do we care?
Being a good neighbour demands we practice inclusion
Inclusion is an intentional process of unmarginalising people by infusing a culture where all enjoy privileges equally. Inclusion makes all people central.
By Rev Edward Buri 1 year ago
Being a good neighbour demands we practice inclusion
Kawira Mwangaza impeachment: Did the bishop save the governor?
Governor Mwangaza's haters have sworn severally that gender has nothing to do with Meru woes. But this is not true, given the unacceptable attacks on Mwangaza's womanhood.
By Rev Edward Buri 1 year ago
Kawira Mwangaza impeachment: Did the bishop save the governor?
Rhema feast's success is a balm to the spirit after Shakahola horrors
Taking the tens of thousands in the Rhema congregation as a sample of response to mobilisation, there is still a level of faith in the men and women of the cloth.
By Rev Edward Buri 1 year ago
Rhema feast's success is a balm to the spirit after Shakahola horrors
Young athletes' prayer magnets for Kenya and inspiration for all ages
These medal-winning youths push back against their peers who perpetuate the image of young people as wild, carefree and with an unexplained expectation.
By Rev Edward Buri 1 year ago
Young athletes' prayer magnets for Kenya and inspiration for all ages
Leaders should not discriminate by making others feel inadequate
We often fall into the temptation of setting demeaning boundaries. We categorise people in our personal lives as insiders and outsiders. There are the people we cheer for and those we sneer at.
By Rev Edward Buri 1 year ago
Leaders should not discriminate by making others feel inadequate
Spirituality devoid of character has no power to transform the nation
Few leaders who dare to cut a different cloth are lone rangers. They are intentionally kept on the backline. In the political song they are allocated the hum and never given the main chorus
By Rev Edward Buri 1 year ago
Spirituality devoid of character has no power to transform the nation
Self centredness is the cancer ravaging our society's soul
Kenyan leaders and citizens alike -are suffocating under the weight of self-centeredness with only scattered pockets of compassion
By Rev Edward Buri 1 year ago
Self centredness is the cancer ravaging our society's soul
The dual nature of peace: Built by intent and nurtured by spirituality
Peace is never an accident. It is an outcome. Just like it takes intentional steps to upset it, it takes deliberate steps to set it up. Peace is built, just like it can be broken.
By Rev Edward Buri 1 year ago
The dual nature of peace: Built by intent and nurtured by spirituality
When wisdom departs foolishness rules
People associate leadership with wisdom. But unfortunately, it is not always so. Leadership does not insulate against foolishness. Even kings and presidents are susceptible to wisdom droughts.
By Rev Edward Buri 1 year ago
When wisdom departs foolishness rules
Moses Kuria: Courier of coarseness veiled as right to freedom of expression
Moses Kuria is not the kind to lose an argument. He does not apologise. He must make the point that he is not stupid - even when he sounds so.
By Rev Edward Buri 1 year ago
Moses Kuria: Courier of coarseness veiled as right to freedom of expression
Embracing love: The transformative power for leaders and citizens alike
Love looks like a senior officer resigning as a matter of principle when a scandal happens under their watch. Love looks like a president who leads the nation in truth, even when it hurts him.
By Rev Edward Buri 1 year ago
Embracing love: The transformative power for leaders and citizens alike
Stop being defensive when Kenyans remind you of the weight of an oath
Kenyans have been described often as they of a short memory. They either forget the wrong done to them and move on or forget the wrong they did and repeat it.
By Rev Edward Buri 1 year ago
Stop being defensive when Kenyans remind you of the weight of an oath
Why Kenya needs more graft spirits exorcists in the mould of Health CS
There is a kind of evil that cannot be removed "apart from prayer and fasting." Such defies regular catharsis. This defiant type is the Kemsa variant.
By Rev Edward Buri 1 year ago
Why Kenya needs more graft spirits exorcists in the mould of Health CS
When faith kills: From church farm to the deathly graveyard
The devil is alive and well. He masquerades as an angel of light - even dresses in impeccable white. Just like a lizard finds its way into the palace, demons find their way into church.
By Rev Edward Buri 1 year ago
When faith kills: From church farm to the deathly graveyard
Politicians have killed patriotism through consistent finger-pointing
Playing a blame game is lame. The blame game necessitates hiring name-tarnishing experts. But more is required of the ruling administration than name soiling and "toboa " chants.
By Rev Edward Buri 1 year ago
Politicians have killed patriotism through consistent finger-pointing
The spirit of Easter lies in reputable leaders drawn to serve in humility
A handful of our national leaders are reflective enough to come home to sense. But the majority are arrogant, do not care to conceal it and even proceed to be proud of the arrogance.
By Rev Edward Buri 1 year ago
The spirit of Easter lies in reputable leaders drawn to serve in humility
Here is why politicians should never downplay the real value of dialogue
What if dialogue was the only way to Kenya's salvation? Would we still reject it? What would that mean to our nation? Naaman had to dip himself in a river he considered dirty.
By Rev Edward Buri 1 year ago
Here is why politicians should never downplay the real value of dialogue
A phone call lasting five minutes can avert months of political disruptions
When people are already teary out of hunger, to add tear gas into their eyes is grave disservice. To suffer poverty and suffer peacelessness is to die twice.
By Rev Edward Buri 1 year ago
A phone call lasting five minutes can avert months of political disruptions
Mobile phone: Be wary of the new doubled-edged sword
Phones have evolved into crime scenes. The gadgets of communication have become gates into transgression. So we hold and hide them. We obey the "strong password" instruction.
By Rev Edward Buri 2 years ago
Mobile phone: Be wary of the new doubled-edged sword
Character is the human symbol of God's image, always appreciate it
Even when spirituality is convenient, you will clap your hands and sing Halleluiah! But that does not mean that you will not take your spot at the club.
By Rev Edward Buri 2 years ago
Character is the human symbol of God's image, always appreciate it
Young people are crying out for help, here is how we can uplift their lives
Many young people are confidently confused. They have no sure place to locate their identity. They are not discerners but copiers. This copying often turns crippling.
By Rev Edward Buri 2 years ago
Young people are crying out for help, here is how we can uplift their lives
How Luther King's ideals can help us realise our quest for Kenyanism
King's life should be mirrored in communities to allow his spirit breathe life into situations of oppression and fuel imagination in creating practical paths to freedoms.
By Rev Edward Buri 2 years ago
How Luther King's ideals can help us realise our quest for Kenyanism
The church will need to reform if it's to have any impact this year
Preach but do not offend. Meet the needs of the people but hold back any radical call for reform. Stagism presents a Christ on brakes!
By Rev Edward Buri 2 years ago
The church will need to reform if it's to have any impact this year
Empty holy noise from churches is a nuisance and ought to be muted
For the Church to justify its blaring sounds, it must work on loading them with a contemporary "Jericho effect".
By Rev Edward Buri 2 years ago
Empty holy noise from churches is a nuisance and ought to be muted
Earth's eight billion people, many with empty plates, need love to live
The Garden of Eden began with one human. Earth was fresh - succulent with plenty. But the planet was obviously too big for just one person. Its sheer size told it was made for many.
By Rev Edward Buri 2 years ago
Earth's eight billion people, many with empty plates, need love to live
Speaking truth to power not enough in dealing with excesses of the State
The pulpit must provoke the people to alertness and call them to action. The pulpit is endowed with a transcendent status that no State ear can ignore. A distracted pulpit is a politician's joy.
By Rev Edward Buri 2 years ago
Speaking truth to power not enough in dealing with excesses of the State
Consult national carrier while streamlining airport operations
Leonard Khafafa
By Leonard Khafafa
22 mins ago
Juja MP George Koimburi arraigned, pleads not guilty
By Winfrey Owino
26 mins ago