Nakhumicha's troubled run at Afya House
Nakhumicha was blamed by opposition leaders for playing politics at funerals instead of concentrating on her ministerial duties.
By Nancy Nzau 6 months ago
Nakhumicha's troubled run at Afya House
Toxic metals found in feminine hygiene products
The most alarming finding was the presence of lead in every single tampon tested. Lead, a potent neurotoxin, is toxic at any level of exposure, according to health experts.
By Nancy Nzau 7 months ago
Toxic metals found in feminine hygiene products
Multivitamins: Study shows popping these pills has no long-term benefit
Many children and adults pop multivitamins pills daily hoping to fill nutritional deficits and boost their overall health.
By Nancy Nzau 7 months ago
Multivitamins: Study shows popping these pills has no long-term benefit
Pollution causing more deaths than war, disease, drugs combined; study
Pollution, in all its forms, is now a greater global health threat than war, terrorism, malaria, HIV, tuberculosis, drugs, and alcohol combined.
By Nancy Nzau 7 months ago
Pollution causing more deaths than war, disease, drugs combined; study
Beating cancer, AMR: Medical revolution of personalised medicine
Poorly equipped laboratories contribute to the rising antimicrobial resistance and late cancer diagnosis in Africa.
By Nancy Nzau 7 months ago
Beating cancer, AMR: Medical revolution of personalised medicine
Landmark clinical trial shows promise in quest for HIV vaccine
A successful HIV vaccine will likely require at least three components aimed at distinct viral regions.
By Nancy Nzau 7 months ago
Landmark clinical trial shows promise in quest for HIV vaccine
Parents, educators urged to encourage play to boost learning
Experts are warning that parents and teachers are squeezing the role of play out of children's lives as they try to prepare them for a competitive world.
By Nancy Nzau 8 months ago
Parents, educators urged to encourage play to boost learning
Mothers' high-stress hormone could be why newborns won't sleep at night
Babies with higher stress hormone levels late in their mother's pregnancy can end up having trouble falling asleep, researchers say.
By Nancy Nzau 8 months ago
Mothers' high-stress hormone could be why newborns won't sleep at night
International Day of Play celebrated with calls for more playtime
June 11 marked the first International Day of Play.
By Nancy Nzau 8 months ago
International Day of Play celebrated with calls for more playtime
Study reveals copious amounts of plastic in human testicles
Researchers at the University of New Mexico have discovered "significant concentrations" of microplastics in the testicles of both dogs and humans.
By Nancy Nzau 8 months ago
Study reveals copious amounts of plastic in human testicles
New Kemsa boss now promises a brighter day for scandalous body
At the height of Covid-19, Kemsa lost billions of shillings in procurement scandals. A myriad of maladies has brought the agency a sizable reputational challenge.
By Nancy Nzau 8 months ago
New Kemsa boss now promises a brighter day for scandalous body
Working just three night shifts throws your body into chaos - study
The study shows these disrupted rhythms can be observed in just three days, which relays that early intervention to prevent diabetes and obesity is possible.
By Nancy Nzau 8 months ago
Working just three night shifts throws your body into chaos - study
Pandemic Treaty in final stretch amidst rift between rich and poor nations
The Pandemic Treaty that was proposed by retired President Uhuru Kenyatta together with 24 other global leaders in 2021, is facing a turbulent here in Kenya.
By Nancy Nzau 9 months ago
Pandemic Treaty in final stretch amidst rift between rich and poor nations
Why you should close hospital toilet before you flush
A new study has revealed that hospital toilets are the real hotbeds of bacteria and fungi, including dangerous drug-resistant superbugs-with men's toilets being the worst culprits.
By Nancy Nzau 9 months ago
Why you should close hospital toilet before you flush
UNICEF unveils five-year action plan, calls for prioritisation of the Children
UNICEF has launched 11 top advocacy priorities; aimed at accelerating timely actualisation of the Sustainable Development Goals, with a focus on children in Kenya.
By Nancy Nzau 9 months ago
UNICEF unveils five-year action plan, calls for prioritisation of the Children
Study uncovers overlooked sexual health crisis among adults over 50
While sex may wane with age, research shows plenty of older adults are still doing it.
By Nancy Nzau 9 months ago
Study uncovers overlooked sexual health crisis among adults over 50
Patients agony as doctors in public hospitals hustle in private practice
Workers in public institutions are largely prohibited from engaging in work that directly conflicts with their positions.
By Nancy Nzau 9 months ago
Patients agony as doctors in public hospitals hustle in private practice
Eating junk food during childhood may lead to irreversible memory issues
Prof Kanoski emphasises that adolescence is a sensitive period for the brain, as significant brain and physiological changes occur.
By Nancy Nzau 9 months ago
Eating junk food during childhood may lead to irreversible memory issues
KMPDU rejects draft policy on intern doctors
The Ministry of Health has drafted new policy guidelines to manage the now controversial issue of intern doctors.
By Nancy Nzau 9 months ago
KMPDU rejects draft policy on intern doctors
Sitting for hours linked to early death - exercise incapable of reversing effects
Sedentary behaviour, in general, isn't healthy because it slows down muscle contractions, blood flow, and glucose metabolism
By Nancy Nzau 9 months ago
Sitting for hours linked to early death - exercise incapable of reversing effects
Research uncovers link between eye changes and chronic kidney disease
Patients with kidney disease had thinner retinas and choroids compared to healthy individuals.
By Nancy Nzau 10 months ago
Research uncovers link between eye changes and chronic kidney disease
Medics unions push back on government call for dialogue, scoff at threats to fire them
Doctors said they will not relent in their industrial action until their demands are met; and vowed not be cowed by threats to sack them.
By Nancy Nzau and Alex Kiarie 10 months ago
Medics unions push back on government call for dialogue, scoff at threats to fire them
Misdiagnosis, climate change to blame for pathogens' resistance to drugs
Antimicrobial resistance is among the top 10 global public health concerns threatening humanity, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
By Nancy Nzau 10 months ago
Misdiagnosis, climate change to blame for pathogens' resistance to drugs
Health stakeholders urged to combat antimicrobial resistance
Antimicrobial resistance is emerging as one of the top killers in Africa, yet it is less spoken of and known amongst the populations.
By Nancy Nzau 10 months ago
Health stakeholders urged to combat antimicrobial resistance
Thwarting one protein could improve the quality of life for people with HIV
For people living with HIV, quality of life has drastically improved in the last few decades. When the condition first emerged, people had a life expectancy of only one to two years.
By Nancy Nzau 1 year ago
Thwarting one protein could improve the quality of life for people with HIV
Traumatic childhood linked with recurring headaches (migraines)
One out of four households has at least one member with migraine, and so far, being a neurological disease, there lacks a cure for migraines, only management.
By Nancy Nzau 1 year ago
Traumatic childhood linked with recurring headaches (migraines)
Expert: How to tell if your gut is healthy, and some warning signs
Your gut has many ways of alerting you when it isn't healthy.
By Nancy Nzau 1 year ago
Expert: How to tell if your gut is healthy, and some warning signs
Clinical officers threaten to go on strike
The Kenya Union of Clinical Officers (KUCO) wants the county government and Ministry of Health to expedite promotions for all qualified clinical officers.
By Nancy Nzau 1 year ago
Clinical officers threaten to go on strike
Don't share your good news too soon: Sound advice backed by study
Keeping your secrets, especially your happy news, is healthy and it's for your own good, a new study has revealed.
By Nancy Nzau 1 year ago
Don't share your good news too soon: Sound advice backed by study
Organ failure: How to keep your kidneys healthy
For most of us, body organs inspire little awe and wonder. They do their jobs and just keep plugging away until one day, they fail or stop. One such organ is the kidney.
By Nancy Nzau 1 year ago
Organ failure: How to keep your kidneys healthy
How to care for your kidneys
For most of us, body organs inspire little awe and wonder. They do their jobs and just keep plugging away until one day, they fail or stop. One such organ is the kidney.
By Nancy Nzau 1 year ago
How to care for your kidneys
Aiming for healthy weight gain? Read this
Healthy weight gain requires a balanced diet loaded with protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates.
By Nancy Nzau 1 year ago
Aiming for healthy weight gain? Read this
Multivitamins highlighted as possible cancer agents
Synthetic pills flood the bloodstream with up to twice the recommended daily dosage of nutrients, becoming a "superfood" for cancers.
By Nancy Nzau 1 year ago
Multivitamins highlighted as possible cancer agents
Researchers link lower sperm quality to frequent mobile phone use
Men who used their phones more than 20 times a day had a 21 per cent decrease in sperm concentration among frequent users.
By Nancy Nzau 1 year ago
Researchers link lower sperm quality to frequent mobile phone use
The tongue: Highly effective disease-identifying tool that's right in your mouth
The tongue helps savour life but it could also help save lives. Study now provides evidence of the remarkable accuracy of employing the tongue diagnostic system in detecting diseases.
By Nancy Nzau 1 year ago
The tongue: Highly effective disease-identifying tool that's right in your mouth
Seven nutrition codes to live by
The World Health Organization states that better nutrition is related to improved health at all ages, enhances quality of life, lowers risk of diseases, and increases longevity
By Nancy Nzau 1 year ago
Seven nutrition codes to live by
Four UHC acts: What that looks like
Health CS Susan Nakhumicha says PHC will ensure every Kenyan - whether in an urban area or a remote village - can access high-quality healthcare services when needed most.
By Nancy Nzau 1 year ago
Four UHC acts: What that looks like
Crucial factors to making the universal health care dream work after missteps
The highest health budget allocation the country has had to this day stands at 11.1 per cent in 2022/2023. The 2023/2024 allocation rounded off the figure to 11 per cent.
By Nancy Nzau 1 year ago
Crucial factors to making the universal health care dream work after missteps
Bone soup is new TikTok craze but is it that healthy?
Bone soup users testify that it helps their skin glow, promotes gut health, stops bloating and even aids in weight loss, but what do experts say?
By Nancy Nzau 1 year ago
Bone soup is new TikTok craze but is it that healthy?
Ultra-processed foods just as addictive as alcohol and nicotine, scientists warn
Past studies have linked highly processed foods such as ice cream, fizzy drinks and ready meals to poor health, including an increased risk of cancer, weight gain and heart disease.
By Nancy Nzau 1 year ago
Ultra-processed foods just as addictive as alcohol and nicotine, scientists warn
To open up or not: Risks behind the push to formalise 'chamas'
By Graham Kajilwa
3 hrs ago
Making of IEBC amid pressure to deliver credible 2027 elections
By Irene Githinji
3 hrs ago
KMPDU warns of strike as government slashes intern pay
Health & Science
By David Njaaga
6 hrs ago