Water box fights effects of climate change
Students living in water stressed areas of Kenya are using a simple innovation to plant trees using minimal water. Through a technology known as water box, they are turning their dry and sun-scorched environment green.
By Mary Mwendwa 10 years ago
Water box fights effects of climate change
Illiterate Maasai women defy odds to sell beadwork online
A group of Maasai women in the Masai Mara National Reserve are enjoying the fruits of their labour through bead work.
By Mary Mwendwa 10 years ago
Illiterate Maasai women defy odds to sell beadwork online
Isiolo's dry land awash with greens as pastoralists turn to crop farming
Mention Merti district in Isiolo County and what immediately springs to mind is a drought stricken region. But for farmers who have ventured into farming, the reality is different.
By Mary Mwendwa 10 years ago
Isiolo's dry land awash with greens as pastoralists turn to crop farming
Baringo bees beat climate blues
The Tugen community of Bogoria in Baringo County has discovered a way to go around the harsh climate that has kept them in misery for years: Beekeeping.
By Mary Mwendwa 10 years ago
Baringo bees beat climate blues
PPR: Why vaccination is only way out
Smart Harvest
By Dr Othieno Joseph
1 hr ago
Inaugural drive to combat climate change unveiled
Smart Harvest
By Nanjinia Wamuswa
1 hr ago
Routine wins for Pipeline, KCB and Kenya Prisons as Kenya Cup begins
Volleyball and Handball
By Elizabeth Mburugu
2 hrs ago
Fireworks as Eldoret hosts National Cross Country
By Stephen Rutto
3 hrs ago