Why vying against Hon.Aden Duale in Garissa is disastrous
The recent endorsement of Former Deputy speaker Farah Maalim by Raila Odinga to vie for the seat of Garissa Township has not been taken as a progressive idea by majority of the electorate in the Constituency.
By Darod Farah 9 years ago
Why vying against Hon.Aden Duale in Garissa is disastrous
Hon. Aden Duale: His brighter side and all his achievements despite critics
A recent article full of hate, bigotry, blind criticism and outright lies has forced me to pen down this opinion regarding what Hon. Aden Duale has done for his people in not only his constituency but the larger Garissa county or what has he achieved apart from being vocal as said in regard to only defending the executive.
By Darod Farah 9 years ago
Hon. Aden Duale: His brighter side and all his achievements despite critics
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