Can entrepreneurship cure the chronic unemployment in Kenya?
Kenya is one of the relatively peaceful countries in the world facing unemployment crisis. The World Bank in its report mentions Kenya as among the worst affected by unemployment levels in Africa. Just recently a would be graduate of Chuka University Patrick Muthomi carried a placard in Muthaiga area pleading for people to offer him a job, highlighting the challenges Kenyan graduates are facing in getting jobs.
By HARRISON IKUNDA 8 years ago
Can entrepreneurship cure the chronic unemployment in Kenya?
Kenya nation needs remodeling
Kenya need to remodel its national culture. Our politics still backward and discourages very able people in leadership from joining. We have perfected the culture of tribe, clan, deceit, division and intimidation in our politics. Yet we need to move away from this mess if we have to progress.
By HARRISON IKUNDA 8 years ago
Kenya nation needs remodeling
The road ahead and what to learn from students destruction
Painful and worrisome as it is, the wave of student destruction of secondary schools which already runs into hundreds of millions if not billions already lost, should force a think through and planning for the future. Of course this wave has its deep foundation in a multiplicity of causes .One frequently mentioned is the exam cheating systems and cartels, something that seem to have been perfected and the game played in a Mafia style.
By HARRISON IKUNDA 8 years ago
The road ahead and what to learn from students destruction
Innovations and spurring industries needed in new Kenya’s economic order
Year 2015 was a tough one for businesses and majority of Kenyans particularly middle, low income earners and the many who are finding getting suitable employment difficult and increasingly so. Going even by the numerous profit warnings issued by listed companies in the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) plus the retrenchments going on, it tells that the economic atmosphere is not that good.
By HARRISON IKUNDA 8 years ago
Innovations and spurring industries needed in new Kenya’s economic order
We have to reform Kenya and Kenyan’s minds
I don’t like comparing Kenya to her neighbors. Having traveled all the East African countries and the great lakes region countries severally and with an eye of a curious researcher, I find Kenya should be aspiring to be in the league of quite advanced nations you find Europe, America and some Asian countries.
By Harrison Ikunda 8 years ago
We have to reform Kenya and Kenyan’s minds
Politics and promises of a new economy
As obviously expected the mood in our country is that of high octane politics. With the general election about 18 months away this is to be realistically observed in our country. What probably would be to remind or inform Kenyans on the importance of politics in their lives? Whether you are businessman, a professional, a student, an employee, a farmer, a civil servant, a corporate leader, a religious leader or whatever, politics affects you.
By HARRISON IKUNDA 8 years ago
Politics and promises of a new economy
2017 victory or failure to be determined now
With another general elections round the corner a lot of activities do indicate that various candidates are preparing. Matters are even thicker at the Presidential contest. The nature of Kenya's Politics dictate for early preparations. The 2022 Presidential contest has its preparations and strategies being made now. Important to note is that there will be massive change in the electoral map irrespective of who wins the Presidency in 2017, after all parties keep mutating and alliances shifting. The trend since year 2022 is illustrative enough.
By HARRISON IKUNDA 8 years ago
2017 victory or failure to be determined now
War on corruption is going nowhere
Shall we ever overcome the twin evils of corruption and tribalism in Kenya? Are we getting hopeless on these?
By Harrison Ikunda 8 years ago
War on corruption is going nowhere
What is in store for Kenyans in 2016?
1. Politics will be the dominant feature in 2016 as 2017 elections is closer. 2. The economy is in for turbulence due to multiplicity of factors unless we re-engineer it. 3. Need to fight corruption and tribalism with greater zeal from the top downwards. 4. Social scene there is need to re-invent Kenyan soccer as currently it is currently run down completely. 5. May we have a good year ahead.
By HARRISON IKUNDA 9 years ago
What is in store for Kenyans in 2016?
The power of small talk: They predict Kenya's political and economic future
I have been silently but professionally eavesdropping on common Mwananchi with regard to discussions on Kenyan politics more so with the current prevailing economic and political conditions and Kenya’s fortunes past the 2017 General Election
By HARRISON IKUNDA 9 years ago
The power of small talk: They predict Kenya's political and economic future
Why I have been pessimistic on the WTO conference in Nairobi
1. WTO conference in Nairobi welcome. 2. Have researched on trade across centuries. 3. Cannot trust the global trade dispensation. 4. The poor are kept at bay by the rich nations through skewed trade pacts. 5. Africa must fight for her space in the globe and avoid petty fights.
By HARRISON IKUNDA 9 years ago
Why I have been pessimistic on the WTO conference in Nairobi
Growing number of graduates good sign but that’s how far it goes
I know some matters are very sensitive
By Harrison Ikunda 9 years ago
Growing number of graduates good sign but that’s how far it goes
OUK launches China-Africa digital learning hub
By Mike Kihaki
1 hr ago
From playing by the rules to enforcing the rules...
Volleyball and Handball
By Elizabeth Mburugu
1 hr ago